"Not who begins but what perseveres"
Then it happens that the results arrive ... On a famous Italian ship the phrase "Not who starts but what perseveres" stands out. It immediately came back to my mind when I picked up the document of the results of the exams of our students of this strange academic year.
The more I read the results, the more I thought about the long journey that began over 5 years ago now when I decided that the school had to become a centre of excellence in certified training with an international scope.
Training, investments, travels, sacrifices, mine and those of the collaborators who followed me in the crazy search for "something different from the usual" ...
And then they: the students.
There are those who dedicate themselves full time, it is true, but there are those who combine the study of music with that of other activities. Such as attending school. There are those who combine it with a competitive sport. There are those who work alongside him with another job. There are those who do it simply as a hobby. Who have a family, children.
There has been a global pandemic, there has been Brexit (for us who have a stable partnership with England it has touched us a little more than others), there has been a change of location in the meantime. But yet...
Yet this year's results mark a definitive change of pace.
For those unfamiliar with the international rating scale, based on the grade, it can range from rejected, passed, passed with merit and passed with distinction. Good.
With immense pride, I can say that we have prepared students in Italy and abroad and that over 76% of the students had a vote with distinction and the rest with merit.
No one simply passed the exam, much less failed. A result like this has never been achieved. And I also think statistically very difficult to achieve.
The perseverance and stubbornness of teachers and pupils during a not-so-easy year paid off.
My most sincere congratulations to all the great musicians who are creating their future and that give us emotions.
The headteacher